
Build, deploy, host, and manage scalable web and mobile apps

Cypress test |


  • Amplify is a set of products and tools that enable mobile and front-end web developers to build and deploy secure, scalable full-stack applications,

  • Amplify Framework is a comprehensive set of SDKs, libraries, tools, and documentation for client app development.


Amplify Studio

  • A visual development environment -> build frontend UI

  • Model data, create UI components, bind UI to data, set up authentication, file storage, and functions using a visual interface.

  • You can import Figma prototypes

Amplify Hosting

  • Fully managed CI/CD and hosting service.

  • Under the hood, it deploys your applications to Amazon CloudFront’s content delivery network

Amplify Libraries

  • Open-source JavaScript libraries in the Amplify Framework

Amplify CLI

  • A CLI toolchain that you can use to configure and maintain your app backend straight from your local desktop

  • Easy integration with Amplify's CI/CD workflow


  • You can run end-to-end (E2E) tests in the test phase of your Amplify app to catch regressions before pushing code to production. The test phase can be configured in the build specification YAML. Currently, you can run only the Cypress testing framework during a build.

Last updated