
a continuous delivery service to automate your build, test, deploy process for rapid delivery

Conceps |


  • Visual workflow to orchestrate CD pipelines. Pipeline can be edited when needed to add or remove stages.

  • Each stage in the pipeline creates an artifact which is stored in S3 (Artifact Store). The next stage uses this artifact as input.

  • When a developer commit a code change to source repo -> CodePipeline will auto detect the changes -> Auto build -> Deploy to staging for Testing -> (Manually approval) -> Deploy to production.


  • Source: CodeCommit, ECR, S3

  • Build: CodeBuild

  • Test: CodeBuild

  • Deploy: CodeDeploy, ECS, Margate, Beanstalk


  • Configurable workflow

  • Easy to integrate with your pre-built plugins (Github, Jenkins) or custom plugins.


  • Access control using IAM.

  • Receive notifications using SNS.


Last updated