
FAQs | SSE-S3 |




S3 - Static Website Hosting

  • S3 can host static websites and have them accessible on the Internet.

  • The website endpoint will be: http://bucket-name.s3-website-aws-region.amazonaws.com

    • none SSL

    • included bucket-name & region-name in the endpoint link.

S3 - Bucket Versioning

  • Helps you recover accidental, such as: overwrite & delete.

  • Can be enabled at bucket level.

  • Turn ON versioning is a best practice.

  • When not enable = Suspend

  • Before enabling versioning, all the Version ID of objects are NULL

# list all objects
aws s3 ls s3://bucketname

# list all versioning objects
aws s3api list-object-versions --bucket bucketname

After enabling Bucket Versioning, you might need to update your lifecycle rules to manage previous versions of objects -> Only apply to newly create objects.

After suspend Bucket Versioning

  • Lifecycle rules set for previous object versions will still apply.

  • Existing objects in your bucket do not change.

  • Newly added objects with the same name as an existing object replaces the existing object.

S3 - Analytics

Used to analyze storage access patterns to help you decide when to transition the right data to the right storage class.

S3 - Replication

  • MUST enable Versioning in source & destination buckets.

  • Copy is ASYNC


  • Need to enable CORS headers if client does cross-origin request.

S3 - Event Notifications

to receive notifications when an event happen in your S3 bucket

S3 - Pre-signed URLs

Provide temporary access URL to your private bucket.

Url expiration varies by the way you generate the URLs

  • S3 console: 1 min ~ 12 hours

  • AWS CLI: 3600sec ~ 168 hours

Use cases: allow only logged-in users to see you premium videos.

S3 - Object Lock

  • Object versioning must be enabled.

  • Block an object version deletion for a specified amount of time.

  • Retention mode

    • Compliance (strick mode): can't be overwritten or deleted by any user, even root user

    • Governance (softer): most user can't overwrite or delete an object.

S3 Glacier - Vault Lock

refer Vault Lock.

S3 Storage Lens

A fully managed S3 storage analytics solution that provides a comprehensive view of

  • object storage usage

  • activity trends

  • recommendations to optimize costs.

Storage Lens allows you to analyze object access patterns across all of your S3 buckets and generate detailed metrics and reports.

S3 - Object Lambda

Allows you to add your own code to S3 GET requests to modify and process data as it's being returned to an application.

Use cases: data needs to be transformed on-the-fly, redact the PII from the data.


S3 Classes

Below is the pricing order. The first one is the most expensive one.

Cost-effective classes
  • Standard

  • Standard Infrequent Access

    • lower cost than Standard

    • use cases: disaster recovery, backups

  • Intelligent-Tiering: automatically move your data to infrequent access tier S3 Standard-IA

  • One Zone IA

    • 11 9's in single AZ, but data lost when AZ is detroyed.

    • use cases: storing backup data of your on-premises, or data that can recreated.

  • Glacier: low cost storage used for achiving/backup

    • Glacier Instant Retrieval

    • Glacier Flexible Retrieval

  • Glacier Deep Archive: long term storage

S3 Lifecycle policy

  • Help optimize S3 storage cost

  • Ex: transit all objects of a bucket from Standard class -> Standard-IA after 6 months uploading.

Storage class analysis

  • Help to decide when to transit to the right class

  • Recommendation for Standard & Standard-IA. Not work for One-Zone-IA or Glacier.

S3 Requester Pay


  • S3 scales per prefix. Request per second as below:


    • 5,500 GET/HEAD

  • Latency between 100-200ms

  • Support FOLDER concept to group objects.

  • Use as many prefixes as posible to achieve the required throughput and disired performance

Object may be replicated accross AZs, but within a single region. S3-IA object can be in 1 AZ.

S3 - Transfer acceleration

  • A bucket-level feature.

  • Use S3 Transfer Acceleration to enable fast, easy and secure transfer of files over LONG distance. It will transfer files to an AWS Edge location of target S3 bucket. -> Speed up 50-500%

  • Use cases:

    • Need to collect data from various locations.

S3 Select & Glacier select

  • Using Server-side filtering (simple SQL) for better performance & less transfer, CPU cost at client. You can perform S3 Select to query only the necessary data inside the CSV files based on the bucket's name and the object's key.

  • For more complex queries, consider using Athena.

  • Supports CSV, JSON, and Parquet.

  • Use cases: retrieve only a subset of data, best for simple SQL (no JOIN, no function, no array...)

S3 Batch operation

  • Perform batch operations on existing S3 objects.

S3 Inventory

S3 Inventory provides a report of your S3 objects and their corresponding metadata on a daily or weekly basis for a specified S3 bucket or a shared prefix.

These reports include the type of server-side encryption each object is using, along with its replication status.


  • Configurable to include all or specific object versions.

  • Can report on various metadata fields such as size, last modified date, storage class, and encryption status.

  • Supports output in CSV, ORC, and Parquet formats, enabling straightforward integration with analytics tools.


  • User-based: IAM policies

  • Resource-based:

    • Bucket policy: ex: allow cross-account access

    • Object ACL (can be disable)

    • Bucket ACL (can be disable)

  • Encryption data at rest: SSE-S3, SSE-KMS, SSE-C (Customer provided key)

  • Encryption data in transit: TLS

  • Access to the most recent data immediately after a write (create or overwrite)

S3 - MFA delete

To avoid accidental deletion in S3 bucket:

S3 - Encryption

MethodKey managementEncryption processExtras













S3 & KMS


  • Rotation control

  • Role seperation

By providing S3 object key and the encryption key, you can use GetObject API to download encrypted object.

Amazon S3 now applies server-side encryption with Amazon S3 managed keys (SSE-S3) as the base level of encryption for every bucket in Amazon S3. You only need to use the x-amz-server-side-encryption header if you want to override the default SSE-S3 encryption and use a different encryption option like SSE-KMS or SSE-C


  • Server-side encryption encrypts only the object data, not the object metadata.

  • SSE-KMS supports symmetric keys, not asymmetric keys.

SSE-KMS limitation

  • KMS have limitation of request per second

    • When download, it call Decrypt KMS API

    • When upload, it calls GenerateDataKey KMS API

  • KMS quota different between region: 5500, 10000, 30000

    • increase the quota by making request at Service Quota console

Best practices

  • Encrypt your data either on the client-side

  • Turn on versioning

  • Consider using multipart uploads (divide in parts & parallel uploads) for

    • object that are over 100MB.

    • if > 5GB, multi-part upload is a MUST.


  • Bucket name is GLOBALY unique. But bucket are defined at REGIONAL level.

  • Maximum of an object is 5TB.

  • Multi-part upload is recommended for file > 100MB. If a file larger than 5GB, multi-part upload is a must.

  • S3 provides no API that can search for objects based on object metadata.

  • Naming convention

    • No UPPERCASE, no underscore

    • 3-63 chars long

    • Not an IP

    • Must start with lowercase letter or number

    • Must NOT start with prefix xn--

    • Must NOT end with suffix -s3alias

  • Using Athena to query data in S3 by standard SQL.

  • To achieve more requests per second, increase prefixes in your bucket.

  • "aws:SecureTransport":"false" is a condition and Deny effect to a bucket policy to force the request using SSL or TLS -> force using HTTPS.

  • When an application running on the EC2 instance makes a call to the S3 ListObjects API, the request will be allowed by IAM if the attached role has the s3:ListBucket permission for the relevant bucket.


  • Key: FULL path of an object

    • ex: s3://mybucket/myfolder/subfolder/myfile.txt

  • Bucket policy: JSON-based access policy that determines who can access your bucket & what operations they can perform.

  • Hot storage: frequently accessed data

  • Warm storage: less frequently accessed data

  • Cold storage: rarely accessed data


Last updated