highly-scalable inbound/outbound email service


  • To send marketing, notification, and transactional emails.


  • Optimize your deliverability

  • Integrate quickly

  • Scale securely

  • Send messages efficiently

Use cases

  • Transactional emails

  • Marketing emails

  • Bulk email communication


  • SES collects open & click metrics for 60 days after each email is sent.

  • You can send up to 200 emails/day in sandbox mode.


  • Email delivery metric: statistics provided by SES about how successfully emails are deliveried

    • Send rate

    • Delivery rate

    • Bounce rate

    • Complaint rate

    • Open rate

    • Click rate

  • Dedicated IP address: an address on the internet that only you use for sending your emails. If not, your emails will be send from Amazon's return address by default.

  • SES Sandbox: practice area for new users to test sending emails before using SES for real.

Last updated