Transfer Family

fully managed SFTP, FTPS, and FTP service

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  • Simplifies migration of SFTP, AS2, FTPS, and FTP based workflows to AWS.

How it works

1. Choose Protocols

Choose the protocols over which clients can connect to your server's endpoint

Supported transfer protocol:

  • OpenSSH: Mac, Linux

  • WinSCP: Windows only

  • Cyberduck: Mac, Linux, Windows

  • FileZilla: Mac, Linux, Windows

2. Map your hostname

Associate your hostname with the server endpoint.

Server endpoint:

  • Publicly accessible

  • VPC hosted: access controlled using Security Groups.

Custom hostname:

  • Route53 DNS alias

  • Other external DNS service.

3. Set up your users

Select your identity provider to set up your users' access to your endpoint

4. Select your S3 bucket or EFS filesystem

Assign IAM role(s) to access your S3 bucket(s) or EFS file system(s) for storing data transferred over the protocols


  • SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) - file transfer over Secure Shell

  • AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) - messaging protocol for exchanging business-to-business data

  • FTP (File Transfer Protocol) - unencrypted file transfer protocol

  • FTPS (File Transfer Protocol Secure) - file transfer protocol with TLS encryption.

  • FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards)


  • By default, AWS Transfer for SFTP provides a host key for your AWS SFTP server.

  • Only SFTP, AS2 need a connector.

Last updated