

Encryption in flight (SSL)

  • Data is

    • encrypted before sending

    • decrypted after receiving

  • SSL certificates help with encryption (HTTPS)

Encryption at rest (sever-side)

  • Data is

    • encrypted after being received by the server

    • decrypted before being sent

    • stored in an encrypted form (using data key).

  • The key is managed somewhere else.

Client-side encryption

  • Data is

    • encrypted by the client and never decrypted by the server

    • decrypted by a receiving client


Type of secretService

DB user/pass

AWS credentials


Encryption keys


Private keys and certificates

AWS Certificate Manager

Inspector vs Guarduty

AspectAWS InspectorAWS GuardDuty


Security and compliance assessments

Real-time threat detection and security alerts

Use Cases

Assessing security and compliance of EC2 instances

Detecting potentially malicious activities

Automated vs. Continuous Monitoring

On-demand or scheduled assessments

Continuous monitoring for threats

Resource Coverage

EC2 instances and application assessments

A broader range of AWS resources

Alerts and Notifications

Provides assessment reports and findings

Generates security alerts and findings in real-time


Integrates with AWS Systems Manager for remediation

Integrates with various AWS services and SIEMs


Different pricing models based on volume

Different pricing models based on volume

Shield vs WAF

Shield - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), Amazon CloudFront, AWS Global Accelerator, and Route 53.

WAF - Amazon CloudFront, the Application Load Balancer (ALB), Amazon API Gateway, and AWS AppSync


  • AWS Shield for DDOS

  • Amazon Macie for discover and protect sensitive data

  • Amazon GuardDuty for intelligent thread discovery to protect AWS account

    -> alert you when dectect a malicious activity

  • Amazon Inspector for automated security assessment. like known Vulnerability -> give you a report of findings after a Scan (scheduled or on-demand)

Last updated