web application firewall


  • Protect web app from web attacks(Layer 7 - HTTP and HTTPS), so WAF does not support NLB (Layer 4).


Can be deployed on

  • ALB (protect the origin web server running behind ALB)

  • API Gateway (protect REST APIs)

  • CloudFront (protect content on Edge location)

  • AppSync (protect GraphQL API)

  • Cognito User Pool

Web ACL rule

  • IP Set

  • Protect from common attacks: SQL Injection, XSS (Cross-site scripting)

  • Size constraints

  • Geo-match (block countries)

  • Rate-based rules (for DDoS protection)


Custome error pages

You can configure CloudFront to present a custom error page when requests are blocked.

Rate-based rules

For DDoS protection.


  • No upfront.

  • Charges based on number of web ACLs rule that you create, and the number of requests you receive.


  • Can inspect both IPv4 and IPv6.

  • Web ACL is regional, except for CloudFront.

Last updated