AWS Backup

fully managed backup service that makes it easy to centralize and automate backup of data across services, and on-prem

AWS Backup document |


  • Fully managed service

  • Centralize and automate backup across services.

Supported services

  • EC2/EBS

  • S3

  • RDS / Aurora / DynamoDB

  • DocumentDB / Neptune

  • EFS / FSx (Lustre & Windows File Server)

  • AWS Storage Gateway (Volume Gateway)


  • Supports cross-region backups (can backup EC2 & Aurora instances in Tokyo region to Osaka region)

  • Support cross-account backups

  • Support PITR for supported services

  • On-demand and Scheduled backups

  • Tag-based backup policies.


Backup Plan

  • A backup policy

    • build a new plan

    • start from template provided by AWS

    • using JSON expression of an existing backup plan

  • Backup frequency every 12 hours, daily, weekly, monthly, cron expression

  • Transition to Cold Storage

  • Retention Period

Backup Vault

contains and organizes the actual backup copies and associated metadata.

Backup Vault Lock

  • CAN NOT be deleted backups.

  • Even the root user cannot delete backups when this feature enabled.


  1. Create a Backup Plan

  2. Assign resources (services) that you want to backup.

Last updated