message broker service

Document | Migration guide


  • managed message broker service for

    • RabbitMQ

    • ActiveMQ

    • IBM MQ

  • It replaces natvie SNS and SQS, so have both feature: queue & topic

Why MQ?

  • SNS and SQS are cloud-native

  • On-premises using: MQTT, AMQP, STOMP, Openwire, WSS

  • when migrate to the cloud, instead of re-engineering the app to use SNS or SQS, we can use Amazon MQ

Draw back

  • Does not scale as much as SNS/SQS

  • Amazon MQ run on servers, can run Multi-AZ for failover


  • Set up Multi-AZ for fail-over, using a Standby server & Amazon EFS for storage.

Last updated