
Infrastructure as Code service of AWS



  • Scaling by sharing template for use across organization

  • Can share best practices and company policies.

  • Manage 3rd parties & private resources.


  • Code the JSON/YAML template.

  • Review the code and Upload it to S3 bucket.

  • Using CloudFormation service (through CLI or Console) to create the Stack.

  • The CloudFormation will provision and configure resources base on the previous Stack.


vs.Elastic Beanstalk


easily provision & run app

environment for managing application lifecycle

behind the scenes, it uses CloudFormation to control the workload

CloudFormation Designer

Help you design the CloudFormation template visually.

Preview change

Provide the change sets, show the summary of proposed changes.

Dependency management

  • You do NOT need to worry about the dependencies between the resources. It will determine the correct order of provision.

  • DependOn: specify explicitly the creation of specific resource follow another.

  • Dependent stacks also have implicit dependencies in the form of target properties !Ref, !GetAtt, and !Sub.


Deploy CloudFormation stacks across multiple AWS accounts and regions with a single CloudFormation template.

By using create-stack-set CLI command, developer can deploy the same CloudFormation stack to multiple regions

Helper script


  • Implement as part of the user data.

  • execute CloudFormation metadata one time.


monitor CloudFormation metadata, and applies change when discovered.


provides a completion signal to designate the creation (successful or not) of a CreationPolicy or WaitCondition.


view cureent metadata stored within the AWS CloudFormation stack.

Best practices

  • Adopt DevOps and GitOps best practices

  • Automated deployments with pipeline integrations: GitHub Actions, AWS CodePipeline

  • Create a integartion pipeline.

  • DO NOT manually updating resouces that belong to a CloudFormation stack


  • You need IAM policies if you want to upload an template.

    • to create a bucket S3

    • for CloudFront to access S3

  • If you create resource outside of CloudFormation, you can bring that resource into CloudFormation using resource import.

  • Some change require replacement. So sometime you will encounter error like can not remove resource when update resources.


  • Drift: happen when environment get change, while CloudFormation not aware of that.

Last updated