

  • Subnet is a sub of VPC network, which you can group resources based on security or operational needs. A range of IP addresses.

  • 2 types of subnet (with its route table)

NAT Gateway

NAT Gateway

Route table

  • The rule for traffic inside the VPC

  • An important property of subnet. It contains set of rules, called routes. Routes are used to determine where network traffic, from your subnet or gateway, is directed.

  • By default, it will contain rules of

    • local traffic.

    • if a gateway is attached.


  • Each subnet must reside entirely within one AZ and cannot span zones.

  • Every subnet that you create, automatically associated with the Main route table of the VPC.


  • Main route table: when you create a VPC, this table is automatically created. This control the routing of all the subnets that do not have a Custom route table associated with them.

    • Cannot be deleted.

    • Can be customized.

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