Elastic Block Store: storage that's attached with EC2 instance
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Elastic Block Store: storage that's attached with EC2 instance
Last updated
EBS như một USB chứa dữ liệu, còn EC2 như một virtual PC chỉ có CPU, memory mà không có disk. EBS đóng vai trò như disk của EC2 instance. Khi cắm USB vào thì EC2 sẽ truy cập được dữ liệu bên trong EBS. Do đó mỗi EBS chỉ cắm được vào 1 EC2 instance. Nhưng 1 EC2 instance thì có thể có nhiều EBS (nhiều USB cắm cùng lúc)
BLOCK level storage volumes.
EBS volume stores data in a single
AZ. It is within the same AZ as the EC2 instance. (like ENI)
If you would like to copy an EBS, you need to take a snapshot and move it across-AZ or to different Region.
1 EC2 can have multiple EBS volumes, but 1 EBS volume can have only one instance at a time.
If it is Linux, it multi-multi
There is a EBS io1/io2 volume which support Multi-Attach. So you can attach the same EBS to multiple EC2 (16) in the same AZ
Offer 99.999% SLA.
General purpose (SSD)
Magnetic (HDD)
Snapshot: is a backup of your EBS at a point in time.
ONLY data that has changed
since the most recent snapshot is backed up.
Move a snapshot to archive tier that is 75% cheaper.
Take 24 - 72 hours for restore an archive.
Set up rules to retain
deleted snapshot so you can recover.
Specify retaintion (from 1 day to 1 year)
Cost can occur.
Retain a snapshot immediately.
Enables you to create a volume from a snapshot that is fully initialized at creation. This eliminates the latency of I/O operations on a block when it is accessed for the first time.
Cost lot of money.
Fast snapshot restore must be explicitly enabled on a per-snapshot basis.
Fast snapshot restore can be enabled on snapshots with a size of 16 TiB or less.
Attach the same EBS volume to multiple EC2 instances in the same AZ.
DLM can be used to automate the creation, retention, and deletion of EBS snapshots and EBS-backed Amazon Machine Images (AMIs).las
EBS lives within a single AZ. When you create an EBS volume in an AZ, it is automatically replicated within that zone only.
EBS lives within the same AZ as EC2 instance.
When EC2 instance is terminated, the root EBS volume will be deleted, but other will remain. (This feature can be setted through CLI/Console).
EBS volume can be scaled using EBS Snapshot.
When creating EC2 instances, you can only use the following EBS volume types as boot volumes: gp2, gp3, io1, io2, and Magnetic (Standard).
General Purpose SSD storage is 3 IOPS / GiB.
Support live configuration change while in production.
All snapshots that are created from an encrypted volume are encrypted.
All EBS volume types can be encrypted.