
use NLP to extract insights about the content

Document |


  • Uses natural language processing (NLP) to extract insights about the content of documents without the need of any special preprocessing.

  • It develops insights by recognizing

    • entities: people, place

    • key phrases

    • language

    • brand

    • event

    • sentiments (positive, negative)

Use cases

  • Find documents about a subject

  • Find out how customers feel about your products

    • using DetectSentiment operation

    • it will tell you whether customers feel positive, negative, neutral, or mixed using Sentiment label.

  • Discover the topics that your customers are talking about


  • fully managed = serverless

  • Work greate with IAM, S3, Lambda, KMS, Kinesis Data Firehose

  • Discover insights

  • Differentiate your business

  • Document processing

  • Protect access to PII


  • Language support

  • Custom entities recognition

  • Custom classification

  • Comprehend medical

Last updated