Amazon Machine Image: image of EC2


  • From 1 AMI, you can launch 1 or multiple instances.

Type of AMI

  • Intel – c5, m5, r5

  • AMD – c5a, m5a, t3a

  • Graviton* – c6g, m6g

Here are some examples:

  • C type instances – c5.2xlarge – 16 GiB memory and 8vCPU (2:1)

  • M type – m5.2xlarge – 32 GiB memory and 8vCPU (4:1)

  • R type – R5.2xlarge – 64 GiB memory and 8vCPU (8:1)

Source of AMI

  • Using public AMI from AWS.

  • Using custom AMI, which customized by user.

  • Using market AMI from 3rd party or other users on Marketplace.


  • CAN NOT launch an EC2 instance from an AMI of different region. AMI is regional, so you need to copy the AMI image to your target region.

Last updated