Organizational Unit


  • An account management service.

  • A free global service.

  • You can have OU by

    • Business unit (sales, devs, finance...)

    • Environemnt lifecycle (dev, test, prod)

    • Project base (Project1, Project2...)


  • Help centralize multiple accounts within an organization.

  • Enable cross-account services.

  • Enable consolidated billing accross multiple accounts

  • Shared reserved instances or Saving Plan discounts across multilple accounts.

Service Control Policy

  • IAM policies that applied to OU

  • Hierarchy


  • OU can be nested

  • An account can belong to multiple OU.

  • SCP do NOT applied to Management account, only OU. That means SCP that applied to Management account has no meaning.

  • If you have 2 policies, 1 deny 1 allow, then the result will be explicit DENY.

Last updated