
a suite of services that helps you work with streaming data

AWS Document | Data Analytics | Kinesis Streams | Apache Flink


  • collect, process, analyze video & data streams in real-time.

  • Real-time data: Application logs, Metrics, Website clickstreams, IoT telemetry data.

  • operate in several modes

    • Data Streams

    • Firehose

    • Managed Apache Flink (Analytics)

    • Video stream

Use cases

  • Application monitoring

  • Fraud detection

  • Live game leaderboards

  • IoT

  • Sentiment analysis




Use Case

Kinesis Data Streams

capture, process & store data stream

Ingesting data from various sources, processing data in real-time, performing real-time analytics

Kinesis Firehose

Transform, deliver streaming data directly to AWS services

Storing and analyzing large amounts of data over time without managing your own data pipeline

Kinesis Analytics

Process and analyze streaming data using standard SQL queries

Real-time data analytics on data streams without the need for specialized programming skills

Kinesis Video Streams

Securely stream video from connected devices to AWS for analysis and processing

Capturing video from security cameras, drones, and IoT sensors, and analyzing the data in real-time

Kinesis Data Streams

  • Producer

    • Kinesis Agent

    • AWS SDK

    • Kinesis Producer Library (KPL)

  • Consumer

    • Kinesis Data Analytics: use an Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics application to process and analyze using SQL or Java.

    • Kinesis Firehose: use an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream to process and store records in a destination.

    • Kinesis Client Library (KCL): use Kinesis Client Library to develop consumers.

Capacity modes

  • Provisioned mode

    • Choose the number of shards

    • Scale manually using API

  • On-demand mode

    • No nead to provision or manage capicty

    • Scale automatically based on observed throughput peak during the last 30 days.

Kinesis Firehose

  • Serverless, fully managed, automatic scaling.

  • Supports custom data transformations using Lambda

  • Producer

  • Consumer

    • AWS S3

    • Redshift

    • OpenSearch

    • 3rd party: Splunk, MongoDB, DataDog, NewRelic, HoneyCom...

    • HTTP Endpoint

  • Use cases:

    • Main usage scenarios for CloudWatch metric streams: Data lake— Create a metric stream and direct it to an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream that delivers your CloudWatch metrics to a data lake such as Amazon S3.

Kinesis Analytics

  • Reads and processes real-time streaming data.

Kinesis Video Streams

Best practices

  • Increase number of shards in your Kinesis Data stream to handle increase throughput/traffic (resolve ProvisionedThroughputExceeded problem).


  • real-time or near-real time = Kinesis Data Stream.

  • Kinesis Data stream uses the partition key associated with each data record to determine which shard a data record belongs to.

  • Multiple Kinesis Data Streams applications can consume data from a stream.

  • Firehose does not support DynamoDB. refer

  • PutRecords request can support up to 500 records. Each record in the request can be as large as 1 MiB, up to a limit of 5 MiB.

  • ProvisionedThroughputExceededException: when there is throttling, it best practices to

    • Implement retries with exponential backoff.

    • Increase Shard Count

    • Optimize Data Send Rate: If possible, batch records to use the PutRecords API

    • Reduce the frequency and/or size of the requests.

    • Uniformly Distribute Partition Keys


  • Producer (upstream): a producer put records into Kinesis

  • Consumer (downstream): a consumer get records from Kinesis

    • Shard:

      • a shard is a unit of throughput capacity.

      • The number of instances does not exceed the number of open shards. Each shard is processed by exactly one KCL worker and has exactly one corresponding record processor, so you never need multiple instances to process one shard. However, one worker can process any number of shards, so it's fine if the number of shards exceeds the number of instances.

  • Clickstream: Clickstream data is a record of a user's activity on the internet, including every click they make while browsing a website or using an application.

Last updated