A computer that provides services or resources. The programs on that computer makes them servers, jusk like your laptop could be a DB server if you install MySQL and let other computers access into.
Apache Web Server
# install apache
yum install httpd
# start apache web server service
service httpd start
service httpd status
httpd.conf is a config file used by Apache web server to control how the server responds to incomming requests. The file specifies things like which ports the server should listen on, where the web applications are located, which modules are loaded, and how security should be enforced.
After configuration, remmember restart httpd service to make it work.
Apache config file
# view configuration file
vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Document root
DocumentRoot in httpd.conf specify where to look at first.
DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"
# multiple domains point to the same IP address localhost www.example.com www.oranges.com
Virtual host
Multiple web site can be hosted in the same server if you configure virutal hosts in httpd.conf
# check server timezone
date +%Z
# change timezone to America/New_York
sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York
# update OS
sudo apt-get update