
Docker 101

What is container?

A container is another process on your machine that isolated from all other processes on the host.

Why Docker?

What is Docker?

Docker architecture

Docker use client-server architecture.

  • Docker client: the CLI tool used to interact with Docker deamon through API, to manage images, containers, networks and other Docker components.

  • Docker deamon: background process that manages Docker containers, images, networks, and volumes. It is continuously listening for API requests from Docker Client.

  • Docker registry: repositories where Docker images are stored and shared. Docker Hub is a public registry maintained by Docker.

  • Docker image: packages that contain everything needed to run an application (app code, libraries, and dependencies)

  • Docker container: instance of Docker images that are created and run on a host system.

    • Each container separated from other containers and the host. But they can connect with other containers and outside world through network interface.

  • Docker network: virtual networks that connect Docker containers to each others & outside the world.

Docker CLI

Docker Images

Docker Networking

Docker Registry


vs. Kubernetes

Best practices


Last updated